Thursday, June 15, 2023

FAIR WARNING: 5th Grade Celebration (Picture Overload)

On Tuesday Miss B celebrated finishing her elementary career at AES. I'm pretty sure this picture was taken yesterday... and here's a look back and Minnie's...
Meags and I were there a full HOUR early because you know I gots to get my parking spot AND the best seat in the house and WE DID! 
We pulled in at the same time and saw Meags getting out of her new car and Minnie immediately said "she looks so good in that car!" hahahaha the love these two have runs deep :)

Ally looked soooo pretty!!!

Love this kid!

Front row Mamas!!!!!

These three... my whole world....

Two of her all.time.fav. students! Ask her... she'll tell yah!

The view from my seat... where I let people into the Zoom meeting and watched the struggle bus with the technology and trying to get the slide show up....


Immediately following accepting her certificate they were able to walk over to the mic and say something along the lines of their "hopes and dreams"... my girl said something lovely about being thankful for her time at AES and finished with "and I can't WAIT to have my Dad for a gym teacher at the middle school" the place went NUTS! LOVED IT! :)

She was also recognized for her role as a peer helper...

And had an opportunity to be one of the few kids to play both the glockenspiel
and the ukulele

Her friend Tyler in the black jacket just needed a conductor stick and they would have all just followed him right along... the kid was awesome to watch... foot tapping and trying to keep them all in time... so cute!

Miss B's (and Minnie's) teacher in the black on the right.. accepting the gift that one of the other 5th grade moms pulled together. We all donated gift cards in various amounts to various places and I think they will have a wonderful time using them this summer and beyond!

I think she was on Cloud 9 ALL night! 

Nana and Grampa came!
and Meems!!!

These two teachers have meant the WORLD to our girls and our family... when you have one for TWO years... 

and your SISTER had her for TWO YEARS....You tend to build a bond :)
Minnie had Lexi (the one on the right) for both 1st and 2nd grade and Miss B had her for 1st... the amount of instruction these two have poured into my gals is MASSIVE!

Getting "hit" with the glitter wand for the FINAL time... 

We are practically related... I mean almost...Lexi is married to a twin... the twin is married to Josie's cousin and Josie is going to marry THEIR cousin... so I mean there's that... :)

and... YES... my kids are tall... yes they befriend the SHORTEST kids in class...

See... :)

SO SO SO proud of our girl! She is all parts a little sad and a lot excited about next year! I am SO happy these gals will be with Husband all day everyday :) Makes me SO HAPPY!

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