Friday, September 20, 2024

The Week in Rewind

 Watching one of my favs at my fav line :)

Minnie wrote this on the 18th. We are all feelin' it this year.... #samegirl.

Thursday was a FULL night... the 7th and 8th grade girls came over from practice on a bus to support the JV and Varsity girls and have a pizza party!!!

Minnie had a nice fan club that got to see a good show!!! The JV won... she SCORED...

Miss B got to be ball girl...

and after a long hard battle and a BOATLOAD of goals with assists by our #22...

They pulled off the FIRST WIN IN TWO YEARS!!! (coming back from ringing the Victory Bell!)

Such a fun night! So excited for Minnie and her friends with the W and a BLAST for Miss B to hang with her buds and be ball girl!!!
Now bring on the WEEKEND!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Photographic Evidence

So you'll just have to take my word on the fact that.... Friday night was a fiasco with post practice pickups... and this guy was NOT good at the Vet with Husband.... grrr.... 

These are two are learning how to pump gas for tech class... The gals and a couple of friends played "ultimate wiffle ball" at Mercy's youth group on Saturday night... hitting things like tomatoes and various other fruits and veggies vs. an actual wiffle ball. They had a blast!

Sunday Husband and I snuck away for a date lunch and to meal plan/chat about the week ahead and grab groceries.... a slower pace than what we do Monday-Friday was welcomed. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

First Game

On Saturday afternoon Minnie's hard work paid off and SHE was paid to work! 

I don't think you could pay her enough to do it but she did GREAT and will be booking out for the rest of the season! :) 🤑

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Week in Review

I am REALLY hoping to get back on track of at least a FEW times a week but last night the GAS LIGHT in my car turned on so that's basically where I'm at with life. If my head is above water... we are going to call it a WIN!

On Monday I picked Miss B up from practice after work and came home to a houseful of golf boys. I was only home for about 10 minutes so these are the only two pictures I snapped... 

Coolest truck!

I headed back out to the high school to grab my big girl from practice....

When we got back they had finished eating and were playing outside... by 7:00 everyone was gone, my kitchen was clean and I had one in the shower... not bad for a spaghetti dinner night :)

and.... I am afraid we are back to this... poor girl... 
she does have a BOOT on her when she kicks that soccer ball but to what end.... OUCH!

Beautiful afternoons for soccer....

with beautiful little sister club members :) Miss B's friend Reese's sister.... wait for it.... 


I was ACTUALLY able to bring Minnie to practice along with a few friends on Wednesday!! I am so very thankful for my village but as her Momma I do love being able to take care of all.the.things.

Miss B was away on Thursday... with a WIN 4-2

She played the WHOLE game and was asked to do ALL the kicks!!!
We RACED home, grabbed Barks (Husband had a match) and found out when we got to Minnie's game...

that she STARTED.... in the VARSITY GAME....they announced her name and EVERYTHING!

I was SO SO SO sad to miss it.....she played great and they SHOULD have won...

The clock was stopped for at LEAST 3 minutes but felt like 30... and Deering came back to score in the last 12 seconds to tie it.... we held onto the tie after 2 overtimes.... so should have been a W

this picture makes me laugh... both of them mid-story and frustration... two peas in a pod...

Speaking of peas in a pod... hahahaha 
Phew.... it was a crazy week but the weather was STELLER... my girls played SO WELL and we did MORE than survive! Ready for the weekend!!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2024

First Week(END) of School (Photo Dump)

My very SOUL needed this walk on this day... my school RN is out until January so all her daily tasks and emergencies are also my job right now... in addition to first days crazy town for a school secretary... 

New kicks and a tween/teen approved outfit was also a mood booster :)


Where she SCORED!!!!!
Could NOT have been more proud of my girl!

We left straight from her game to head north for a b-day celebration.... unfortunately I did not snap any photos of the birthday boy... but I did get Miss Mean Muggin'

Who gave me a GREAT cheese!! :)

oooo and my little Coopy-Doopy... 

Signs of a LOOONNGGG WEEK of school, soccer, and fun

On Sunday afternoon I took my best girls....cozied up in our sweatshirts...

and our best dog of course... :) for a "meander"... so nice to walk slow, chitty chat and catch up

When we got home Minnie and I got busy in the kitchen prepping for the week... scrambled eggs...

She made mixed berry muffins....

2 ingredient pumpkin "muffins" (or are they cupcakes?)

AND chocolate chip banana bread.... Husband finished up in the kitchen with what he thinks is his FINAL batch of salsa and we called it a NIGHT! Phew!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Labor Day Weekend

Fantasy Football draft to kick off the long weekend on Saturday night... Husband's favorite day of the year now only takes about 3.5-4 hours... when it used to take 8+ and he loved every SECOND...

Just 5 in attendance this year... so much can be done online and with people all over the country (Caleb)... it makes it go SUPER fast...

Can you BEAT that color blue and green? I think not.

On Monday, Minnie came to Hannaford with me (ulterior motive so she could buy nails at Walgreens) and while we sat in the parking lot for her to finish her breakfast this meme came up.... 


Ended the weekend with some MUCH NEEDED pressure washing


Last day of summer ice cream!!!
YAH for NO BROKEN ARM... Boo Hiss for NO DAWS :)
June 2024...