Friday, September 20, 2024

The Week in Rewind

 Watching one of my favs at my fav line :)

Minnie wrote this on the 18th. We are all feelin' it this year.... #samegirl.

Thursday was a FULL night... the 7th and 8th grade girls came over from practice on a bus to support the JV and Varsity girls and have a pizza party!!!

Minnie had a nice fan club that got to see a good show!!! The JV won... she SCORED...

Miss B got to be ball girl...

and after a long hard battle and a BOATLOAD of goals with assists by our #22...

They pulled off the FIRST WIN IN TWO YEARS!!! (coming back from ringing the Victory Bell!)

Such a fun night! So excited for Minnie and her friends with the W and a BLAST for Miss B to hang with her buds and be ball girl!!!
Now bring on the WEEKEND!!!

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