Friday, December 2, 2011


On Wednesday Minnie and I hosted our every other week play group. I think this picture does it the most justice because it IS out of focus and it WAS chaos! :) Fun, "semi"-organized CHAOS! :) That's what happens with 10 Moms and 17 kids! Oh yeah...

you read that right... 27 people in my home PLAYING...

Chatting and crafting! :)

And Minnie and I wouldn't have it any OTHER way :) What a blast!
She went down for a nap as soon as I cleaned up the house and fed her lunch ~ and I started hauling out the Christmas decorations :) I'm so happy I did too because lookie who made a quick visit over to give Minnie yet ANOTHER Birthday present... no we don't get to keep Shi-Whoa... but can you guess what it was :)

Such a special day with friends! We are blessed beyond blessed and I think my friend, Lil's Mom said it best in an email to me after play group "I took a look around and thought how lucky I am to be here with such wonderful women- who are such great mothers! "

I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mama H said... sad that I missed all of the know how much I love to play with the dress-up stuff!

Thanks for letting us pop over with the hat. (Take a look at the picture of Minnie holding Sugar. Minnie's feet look like they are really attached to Sugar! hahahaha)