Friday, May 17, 2013

The Beach

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea."  Isak Dinesen
 Lil' Walker posted that on her FB wall a day or so ago and I wondered if was actually true...let's be honest... I'm not real psyched to SWEAT and  we've had more than our fair share of tears 'round these parts...

 mostly my big girl and I...remember... she's THREE...

So I decided to take her to the beach for some ocean air and SALT as a surprise because she LOVES it...

and it was the first trip for the little one...

She dug in the dirt, soaked her clothes, watched some snails, ate some snacks and fell asleep in the car on the way home at 11:30AM...

and this one pretty much just enjoyed the outside, the snacks and rubbing her hands and feet in the dirt...

We all came home refreshed so I'd say it probably IS true... just because sitting in the dirt might not be MY favorite thing to do... I know who's it is... and I sure do love her a LOT!

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