Thursday, March 26, 2020


On Wednesday we were SURPRISED by some visitors dropping off treats. The Mom had sent me a message just asking for our address and I sent one back saying "I hope you are bringing 1/2 and 1/2 and dry wine"... boy was I shocked when she showed up with this.... hee hee hee

Gals got two bags of mixed candy and sweet notes written on them.... Husband was a little disappointed that it didn't seem like any of it was for him....ha ha!

Just Miss B and I were home for the delivery (and we stayed on the deck). After they left she said "Mom... that's why I love Chloe... she's just so sweet and kind" and she started to choke up. I said "are you trying NOT to cry right now?" She said "yes..." Me too babe.... me too.... 

Sitting in a folding chair for hours on end when I am used to standing up all day at my stand-up station desk is tricky....Husband said he was taking a quick walk to the game camera and I followed out the door just as fast as I could throw my boots on....

And lookie what Daddy brought home for FREE from the side of the road... We have been talking about what he wants to put up for the girls for a while and this isn't his DREAM but my frugal man could NOT resist FREE :) SURPRISE!!!

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