Saturday, March 28, 2020

The View From Here....

What it looks like to have four of us working from home.... at any given moment we can get called into Zoom meetings so we grab our devices and run for quiet spots in the house...

Good thing there is a resident MATH teacher... and he's SO HAPPY he teaches P.E. now :)

and then sometimes you just need some Vit D because the math is not making sense and you have to take a break and move onto something else... meanwhile Mama is cutting out screening tags in anticipation that we will at.some.point. be able to return to our various schools... 

and on Thursday we just HAD TO GET SOME SUNSHINE... Daddy took us for a ride, we opened the sunroof, put music on Mommy's phone and all sang really loud through main street San-fid... it did ALL of us some mental-health-good. 


tractor said...

missed you in "San fid"

JJ, J, CJ and L said...

Goooooo ZOOOOM!!!!!