Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Miss B

Last week Miss B was taken to the nurse at school for a bellyache.... My gals have not gone to see the school nurses in their buildings for more than 2 years.... she had a sub.... the RN told me that she could test her... I said "for a stomachache"? She said well, a headache and stomachache are symptoms... I asked does she HAVE a headache... well... no... Ok... but she responded with.... but if she DEVELOPS any additional symptoms I will REQUIRE her to get tested before she comes back to school and they are VERY HARD to come by right now... so I'm OFFERING this as a service to you....alright....fine... and we got ourselves a FAINT positive line... but this is our version of Miss B and her positive test....I immediately took her home and put her to bed with her iPad which you can see she was devastated by... she was hungry because she had missed lunch and then she went potty....back to 100%

Throwing down some mac 'n cheese and STEAK (with her little mask on her chin sweet thing)

She continued to be fine for her 5 days in quarantine and I am SO THANKFUL for that...I am also thankful for the Renaud clan who picked up Minnie, called me on video so we could watch her game from the comfort of our couch....

and for the fact that Husband was able to take a day with her and so was I... happy LONG WEEKEND to CountryMouse! :) 

Husband and Minnie had long standing plans to go north for an ice fishing weekend...


 and that meant all kinds of girl time, yummy snacks and our favorite ravioli dish!

and LOADS of jammie time...

We did manicures....(my color didn't last long... hee hee I took it off on Sunday night)

and our crew sure was happy to come home to these that they ate for breakfast on Monday....
Pirate booty and cukes.... snack time of champions...

we did ALL the laundry (as evidenced by the lint all OVER my Lulus)

and watched LOTS of movies while we kept the stove going and fingers crossed that we didn't lose power in the blizzard.....

Introduced her to Sleepless in Seattle :) 

She did a GREAT job bringing my coffee up by no later than 7:05... ain't no way she was letting me sleep in... :) 

and then on Sunday.... is when it ALL went downhill.....She and I put our gear on around 8:30 and headed straight for her chickens... they had been locked in for the blizzard and I thought maybe they would venture out with the sunshine... so I started to shovel just a little space for them... AFTER I had told Miss B that I was NOT doing all the paths because Husband could do it with the snowblower.... and I had the breath knocked out of me.... I took one turn with the shovel to the left and it was all over but the cryin.... I could.NOT.MOVE. My back was completely wrecked.... I looked at how far I had to walk from where I was to the house and wondered how it was going to happen.....

Miss B helped me get inside and I was DONE. SO.MUCH.PAIN. A few hours later, I was able to take a shower (since that hadn't happened the day before... too busy maxin' and relaxin' in a snowstorm) and I was done....

So thankful for my girl who took care of the WHOLE-ish deck ALL.BY.HERSELF. 

I FELT AWFUL that Husband had to come home to do ALL the clean-up when he came in after his nice weekend.....

but this is pretty much my life.... I was able to go to work but moving SUPER slow.... thankful for Aleve, good nights sleep and ThermaCare heat wraps....
But SO SO SO THANKFUL for Miss B, our time together, her good health AND HUSBAND for taking care of it ALL when he walked through the door....


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