Saturday, July 23, 2022

Summer Track Heat Wave

We are in the middle of the MILLION degrees for days on end that lasts here in Maine for about 2 weeks every summer... and it's BRUTAL... but I saw someone post at least we are not shoveling snow in this heat :) but we ARE still having track meets... this week was SO hot...but we were ready for it... and even got to bring friends with us... :)

Husband and Minnie getting everything put into the online program...

and our Trailblazers ready to go....

Miss B dripping sweat SITTING in a chair...

but still going after it and helping to coach her buddy in jav before their event...

Yes my picture is fuzzy but I think it's because of the humidity and not being able to clean the lens... these gals stayed to the BITTER end of the meet to do the 9/10 4x100m relay and had so much fun!

and these gals killed it in the 13/14 4x100m... too bad one of them is from the neighboring city and won't be with them in high school :) 

Barkley stayed with Sky (and SIL L) for the day because ain't no WAY he could have handled the heat...
Photos courtesy of Sky. He LOVED hanging out with Curry and playing in the turtle pool :)

So naturally when we stopped to pick him up the crew of FIVE jumped into the pool to cool off! So thankful!

Such good kids....

and as expected Barkley was EXHAUSTED....

As were all the kids... I got these pics from other track families and it cracks me up... they worked HARD in the heat...

and some just worked hard WATCHING in the heat....
A good day but I am looking forward to cooler temps SOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN Whew... we live up here for a reason right? :)

*Minnie finished 2nd in the jav and tied for 1st in the long with a girl who is nationally ranked!!! (not sure on her 100m time)
*Miss B finished 2nd in the jav to O-Boyz's daughter :) and not sure on the 100m place

So proud of my gals!


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