Monday, October 12, 2015

First Field Trip and Fall Berries

Last Monday Minnie had her FIRST school field trip. We received word that the parent volunteer forms had not been processed by our central office so unfortunately no chaperones would be able to come. I was SO disappointed. But... then I got an email at the last minute saying they were able to push through a couple and I was one of them! (I tell yah, this last name is the BEST! :)

My big girl with some friends...


It was amazing to spend the morning with Minnie, see the dynamics of her classroom, watch the routine and get to know some of the kiddos in her class. I was so proud of her when we were returning to school. I could tell the tears were starting to come because it was time for me to go but she dug-deep, ran to her spot in line and said "Bye Mom!" Ah... my sweet girl...

The Dunn Crew helped me out with Miss B care. She got to spend the morning with them doing school work, playing, hiking and enjoying her friends.

That afternoon the fun just kept coming... we picked up Aunt Nancy for a ride in "Champs" :) She opted to sit in the back with the little people so she could watch Maya the Bee on the way to...

Pick FALL RASPBERRIES! How happy is this girl?

My gals love Aunt Nancy, berries and watching movies in the car. It was def. a win/win trip for them! :)

Now that the pool is closed (boo hiss, bring back summer!) we have to keep coming up with fun reasons to have a visit... :)

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