Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Road Trip ~ Minnie-ism

The CountryRents have graciously driven me all over creation in the hunt for a vehicle... when it came time to pick it up it was ROAD TRIP! Can't start without Dunkin'!

After we picked up the car and I had a few minor? meltdowns we made the most of getting Miss B's wiggles out at the local outlet mall

I don't think she could love her 1x1 time with them anymore than she does... she LOVES a road trip with Nana and Grampa! :)

When I was getting ready that AM Minnie asked me if I could wear a scarf... I said, "I was planning on it, but why do you want me to?" She commented back... "Because you are going with Fancy Nancy, you NEED to fancy-up MOM!" :) My girl is right.. what can I say ;) My Mama is FANCY :)
and just for kicks and giggles... :) Lynne sent this over after I told her the above story... thought CountryMom would get a giggle. ;) I did :)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Love it that Siena is linking the Fancy Nancy books with her Nana!!! Love these pictures!