Thursday, April 9, 2020

Same 'ol Same 'ol

The Department of Education announced yesterday that with the Governor's input they are recommending that students do NOT return to the schools for the remainder of the year. Our district has not said that is the case for us but we expect the announcement to come soon.  

It would appear that this is what my posts are going to look like for days to come...

Music class (she is doing body movement along with her music teachers instruction)

Good thing gas is cheap. This girl would drive this thing all day everyday back and forth to the turnaround... if she gets stuck in the mud she is even happier... 

Mama doesn't often win this game but I did THIS NIGHT! WHOOP WHOOP!

I AM SO PROUD of these two and how focused and dedicated they are to their studies. They have just rolled with everything that has been thrown at them, changes, learning menus, schedule changes and have done it FAMOUSLY. They *may* have 10 more weeks of this (I HOPE NOT FOR EVERYONES SAKE) but if they do I know they will continue to ROCK IT!

Husband and Minnie took off fishing one afternoon and this one stayed back with Mama to make dinner and lunch for the next day. If you don't have this recipe in your rotation... PLEASE START! It is one of our favorites (when I say "our" I mean Husband and I ~ hence the fact that it was for lunch the next day) but it is AMAZING!!!! Click HERE for the recipe. 

1 comment:

tractor said...

Next she will want to ride the Harley all day