Monday, April 13, 2020

The Weekend Report: Friday/Saturday

Friday means go-into-the-office day for me...thankful for MIL who makes things to keep me safe!

as soon as I got home and washed up I asked Husband if he wanted to go for a DATE and walk ALONE down our road... you can see how well THAT worked out... I fear at the end of this the four of us will ALWAYS be joined at the hip ;) Maybe not such a bad thing :)

Zoom Pah-ty! 

Daddy went to Wal*Mart bright and early on Saturday morning... surprised the gals with the one ingredient we didn't have to make GLITTER SLIME....couple of happy gals right here...

Back in the fall we took down the rickety swing set that has been handed down and then handed down to us... Minnie decided it would be great to repurpose it into a fort for the woods... there was some rotten wood to be removed....

and then some finagling to get in ACROSS the yard and into the OTHER woods she wanted it in.. but thank goodness for STRONG Daddy, a snowmobile trailer and a 4-wheeler... ;) 
 She has BIG plans for it but will be a few more weekends before her vision comes together I think ;)

And then just because... I really do HATE birds but these nut jobs keep me laughing... 

"What's Up? Chicken Butt."