Monday, October 25, 2021

Dreaded Two Words....

"New Recipe" 

My gals HATE it when I say I have something NEW to try! But I am SICK of everything and needing to mix it up and spend some time in my kitchen... I miss it... So I have definitely been on a KICK the past two weeks... and here are the links and reviews....

This was a DEFINITE win! And one that I will make again! I did not put in the pepperoncini and I used onion vs. shallots... I took my Italian al fresco sausage out of its casing... so I tweaked it a bunch but they were really yummy... and I had NEVER done the whole soaking bread thing but Miss B helped me with them and we both thought that was fun! She clearly takes after Titi so that's why there is a part of the skillet with no cheese... weirdo.... 

This was Saturday night dinner... Husband was helping to cut down a tree so Minnie and I made these knowing they would stay warm and we could all eat whenever we wanted... SO SO YUMMY! We will make these again for a party for sure... I haven't roasted a garlic in years if ever... I can't remember and it was SO SO YUMMY!!!

Husband even ate them cold the next day after Minnie's soccer game and said it was still really good!! Another WIN! Well.... at least for 3 out of 4 of us... Miss B ATE it but I wouldn't say it was her favorite... course again with the cheese and she often doesn't dig bread either... (I tell yah I have no idea where she came from) but she didn't squawk so I think if we do them and there are other food options she'd be happy ;) 

This was AMAZING! AND SOOOO EASY.... Even easier because I already had chicken that was cooked and shredded in the freezer so I turned the crockpot on high and it was done, hot and ready in 3 hours. So again... I tweaked this one by using cooked chicken... I put in LESS than a 1/4 cup of hot sauce and it was PLENTY hot enough for me but Husband wanted more... and I TRY but I don't really dig blue cheese... So I put a little bit but I brought it for lunch and I'm going to have it plain. I did find I needed more chicken broth probably because I didn't cook the raw chicken in it.... I also used cream of celery soup instead of cream of chicken...

So YUMMY! And NO the girls did NOT eat this... buffalo, soup and bean... NONE of that interested them so it was a perfect Sunday night thing that Husband and I can do for lunches this week.

The last recipe we tried I did not snag any pictures of... let it be known for anyone that DOESN'T already... I HATE SHEPHERDS PIE. YUCK. HATE IT. It is Husband's absolute fav! He loves Shepherd's pie with fries and gravy on both... bleck. So... we NEVER have it... whoopsie... but I did find this recipe that may be a compromise once in a while... it is FULL ON comfort food and perfect for a cozy fall/winter day... He and I loved it... gals not so much... One to put in the rotation maybe once in the fall and once in the winter... it makes a ton, is super filling and I'll keep you posted on how it freezes because obviously we had to freeze some even after I shared it with FOUR of my co-workers.... it's THAT filling... the only thing I think I did differently was we used corn that I had cut off the cob and frozen and I did petite peas to have some green in it... otherwise I stayed true to the recipe.... YUM-MY!

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