Monday, November 1, 2021

The Last Weekend of October Randoms

Minnie has still been in quarantine and by the end of the week it was a scramble... one of her classmates needed a place to crash on Friday because her Mom is a teacher and had taken 3 days off already... Husband decided to stay home on Friday and have the gals here... that then turned into a sleepover because at that point why leave? Course if she had... maybe "flicky chicken" would not have ended up on my ceiling....

Husband harvested the last of his garden... two gallon bags of jalapeƱo peppers...what in the WORLD....

are we going to do with this many....


and being the last weekend of the month... you know what that brings.... 

One of the horses at the barn had to be put down this past week... Miss B knew it was coming so we decided to have these made for both her instructor and Skylar...we zipped over on Sunday morning to drop them off since all church and extra-church activities were cancelled due to COVID...

Saturday night....STILL with the flicky chicken on my ceiling...

Rocking the party shades to show Jess....

and a FIRST for this girl (and this house really)... She dressed up and went to the courthouse where they were doing a Trunk or Treat with local businesses and first responders... Husband took her and she had the best time... she told me after... "it was so fun to see all my school friends without their masks on"....  


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