Monday, November 28, 2022


I'm not sure who approved this but I'm NOT OK with it... remember I'm the one that hates change, never wants them to grow up and once they started sleeping through the night they could have just STAYED that age... but alas... time is a thief and here we are... THIRTEEN! 

I have been reminiscing back here and here and also here because this was the start of her school career and MAN the time starts FLYING


Minnie you are nothing short of AMAZING... We all love you so much and as much as I AM SO SAD you are not still in a 5 point harness 
I am having so much fun getting to know the TEENAGER God has planned for you to be!

You are a leader and we get rave reviews about your behavior and what kind of friend you are to EVERYONE at school AND THAT is the stuff we most care about... just be KIND.

These next several years could get tricky but just remember who you are, WHO LOVES YOU and that we are HERE.FOR.IT. 

Sweet girl... thank you for making me a Momma... you will never know how much you are loved. Happy Birthday Minnie.

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