Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MDW Report (Part 1)

On Saturday we left around 10 and headed SOUTH while everyone else was headed NORTH :) except in this picture where you can see the traffic we are stopped in behind us...

All to get to THIS GIRL! Yes Minnie is teary-eyed... she had rolled her ankle and it scared her... and then Chrissy said something funny which just brought the waterworks back poor thing...

This girl was so happy to meet Daisy :)
While this guy was loving his life with Sky! :)


and of course she let him in her bed... silk pillowcase and ALL! :)
We got to Chrissy and the boys and immediately went outside to enjoy the sunshine and her beautiful backyard!

Everyone loves Daisy.... 

and Chrissy! :)

Miss B was happy for the snuggles (and hair brushing... Chrissy doesn't get to brush GIRL hair :) while the crew was racing bases during an epic wiffle ball game :)

Husband got WORN OUT! Peep Daisy there under his hand :)

Chrissy and I like to have matchy blood sugars :) 

I mean... their eyes are EXACTLY the same shade of ANNOYED :)

As soon as Daisy's couch was free (Husband and Chrissy had their coffee here before making us an AMAZING full breakfast) Miss B jumped right over to snuggle the pup!

a quick run to Walgreens for a Sharpie so they could all sign Miss B's cast... with everyone wearing PJ's except Minnie! :)

and the poor girl made is all the way to MA but then lost it... girl does LOVE her some Chrissy.... we all do! :)

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