Tuesday, May 7, 2024

FULL Weekend Report

 On Saturday we were all up and at 'em early to get the gals to a Youth Conference they had been looking forward to for MONTHS... Husband and I hit Walmart and we were home by 9:15... the plan was to get a burn going and get rid of the HUGE brush pile from all the winter damage. You might be a redneck if... this is your idea of a "date day" :)

Barks was living his BEST LIFE on Saturday... Koda even came up to play and go SWIMMING with him.... ARGH!

HAPPY to spend time with my guy... until.... 

I went inside for GAME TIME! See my girl in the top left screen?? It was a playoff game that would have been a huge upset if they won... but... unfortunately it was a loss. In the last second of the game the camera was on my girl... and I saw her sink to the turf and you could tell she was crying... or at least Ant Julia could tell... broke my heart. Something to be said about playing a sport you love for so many years and just being DONE. Broke my heart for her...

High School State Game holding Miss B's hand...

CountryMum had come for a visit and to see the new bathroom so she jumped in with me when it was time to pick up the gals from the conference... and in true Mercy form they were still in the middle of Q&A and ran a "little over" ;) but it was GREAT to listen to the kiddo questions and be there as they called the prayer team up. I got emotional watching these adults just love on these middle and high school kids. The things they have to deal with are BRUTAL... and this church is full of people who are not afraid of meeting them where they are at. 

Fun to have C-Line there with them for the day (and peep Shiloh! :)

They were waiting for the ice truck to get set up so they could get SNOW CONES to end the day! So thrilled for this opportunity and the people that made it happen! 

Also on Saturday.... picture "STOLEN" from MIL Chloe-Belle graduated in the top 5% of her class with a GPA over 3.9! Not only are these gals gorg but WICKED SMAH-T TOO!

On Sunday we headed to SNHU to watch Sky...

Crazy how many people but SO fun! I LOVE a graduation where my gals can see how amazing it is and what an accomplishment to be a D2 college athlete, get your MBA....


JEEPERS I love this kid!

My heart was exploding this weekend between her game, Chloe's accomplishment and being a part of this special day!

Cuz I'm pretty sure this was just yesterday.... :(

Except now I have babies the same SIZE as her...

The strong Carbone genes :)

These two could NOT have been happier!

I did wonder how this lady in the middle held it all together this weekend.. if my heart was bursting I can only imagine hers was a million times more... 

LAX gals...

My loves!

No pics but we all went to lunch after (which might have been my favorite part...we used to go out to eat all the time but haven't in FOR-EVER with "everyone") a cold and drizzly ride home called for cozy blankets...

and post-lunch sugar crash... :)

The full circle of emotions this weekend and I was *just* an outsider... Wowzers...

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