Friday, May 24, 2024

Track Fun and Post-Op

Sweet Westbrook family made all of these by hand for ALL the middle school athletes...hand picking the water bottle stickers for each of them...sooo sweet!

On Thursday I met Sky at MIL's and we headed to THE XRAY.... 

WHICH LOOKED GREAT! HOORAY! We have another one next Wednesday and Miss B is popping bone building supplements and drinking chocolate milk so we are NOW optimistic!

We all met up at home and welcomed the track team for a spaghetti dinner! Minnie's LAST one before she is officially part of the team and these two CANNOT WAIT! Remember her FIRST one!??

Nothing breaks the ice like a good 'ol swing and game of Twister :)

We have a much smaller crew than years past... but good girls...and fun to have them at the house!

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