Wednesday, July 31, 2024

MOSTLY Wordless Wednesday: My Gals

SO thankful I get to call them my own. How blessed am I with these two SPECTACULAR gals! Sporty, Sassy, Spicy, Kind, Funny, Amazing, Pretty, TALL, and ALL mine (and Husbands :)
Photo credit: Aunt Carol


Monday, July 29, 2024

The Weekend Report

Is there anything more spectacular than a summer night in Maine? I don't think so... we had the blessing of celebrating another Johnson wedding at a BEAUTIFUL backyard bbq! 

Add in 18 of the 2nd generation and it's a PARTY in the POOL!

And in true Johnson fashion... the dance floor was hoppin'!
I think Miss B missed her dance partner... 

but he was off dancin' with his fiancé!!! Another wedding coming in September!!!

On Sunday we grabbed Tricky's metal detector and headed to the bush that is the side of the road near the CountryRents looking for sweet Debbie's glasses... 

I mean.... we tried... but unfortunately no such luck....

This one is getting ready for competition... walking sticks or javs... doesn't matter to her :)

Same 'ol Same 'ol....


With fans AT HOME! WHOO HOO love being able to watch a game at HOME...

WITH FAMILY! :) My belly hurt from laughing sitting with Sky and SIL L... so fun!

Came home to "build the meet" when it's an A/B meet and all the kids get to pick WHATEVER they want and they are not limited to only 1/2 the to see what they decide on :)

My gals picked all throws. Shocker. (Minnie did also run the 100m)

I can't even with our teenie tiny runners... they are SO DANG CUTE!

A fun shot I didn't realize I got until I was home editing pics :)

Gals KILLED the throws... SOOOO proud of how far Miss B has come this season after her frustration last summer... she is a sponge with the coaching and it is showing... 

and I mean...obviously we would compete for four hours and then drive straight to the hot sweaty gym... I mean... why not?? :)


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fun With Friends

On Monday Coach Wes and Kel invited us over for dinner... their foster pup and Barks hit it RIGHT off... Sunny loved her a big dawg :)

They had the whole picnic table to themselves and they CHOSE to all sit on the same side together... cracked me up :)

100% in her happy place!

After dinner we made the short walk to the lake... what's better than an evening swim in a lake in Maine? Not much....

ESPECIALLY when it's with friends! So fun for ALL of us!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chasing Minnie

From soccer fields on a Friday night...

To bball courts on an EARLY Saturday AM

All day sun... warm temps... one game... a break and then THREE GAMES back to back to back... no food... 

She fought hard-ish... still looking for that fire in her belly to come back

but always our fav watching our gals!!!

During this last "added on at the last dang minute" game I looked over at her on the bench and did thumbs up, thumbs sideways and thumbs down... she looked back at me and immediately did THUMBS DOWN! 

Poor gal gave it EVERYTHING from 9:20 until 3:30... and she has the sweat to prove it :)

First bball practice 10/2016

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Quick Catch-Up

I'm back at work.... obviously.

That's fun... ordering all that stuff... and then being the only one there so I had to help the FedEx and UPS guys with my own buggy... and did I mention it was 100 in the shade... 

and I have NO A/C?? Yeah. I don't. Apparently it "fell" out of my window when the custodians were taking care of it and not exactly sure who's budget that comes out of but no one really seems to care... 

Came home to let Chloe-Belle borrow what I think is now fondly going to be referred to as "the" cowgirl boots :) and we had to do a quick height check... she still has Miss B...

but I think Minnie has her! :)
Thursday track meet... not a bad gig hanging out with these two cuties :)

or should I say 3? (too bad the twin sister wasn't there I would have said FOUR!)

I did NOT mind my view...shade, seat, foot rest and my gals doing the shot... 

MC won!!!!! 

First meet running the 200m without the cast...

not bad!!!!


Minnie and I RACED (pun intended) for Kbunk and her bball game and then she wanted to stay to watch some of her San-fid peeps so I went over to sit with MY San-fid peep.... whew it was a long and FUN day!