Thursday, July 4, 2024

OFF with the cast!! (2nd go-round)

On Wednesday at 8AM we were waiting at the doctor's for this thing to come OFF!

Her poor fingers need a BREAK... they got so swollen... which is not "normal" but does happen... her nails haven't grown and they are PAINFUL....

GOOGLE says that they will heal once she gets her cast off in a couple of weeks... I am hoping it is faster than that... 
It took the athletic trainer about 10 min. He took his time, was very patient with her and...

HOORAY! Weird looking arm but CAST FREE! :) She did get a case of the shakes after he left the room which is normal for her in traumatic situations... even though she was excited it was still a little nerve racking.... 

She literally NEVER complained... never said it was heavy, hot, itchy... NOTHING... SHE WAS A TROOPER... apparently she HAD been itching in there though because when he took it off.... :( it was irritated....
Final xray pics... she goes back in 3 weeks to make sure that she has full movement which right now feels funny but I am optimistic with a camping weekend and pool dates in her future she'll be JUST fine without PT...

Wearing a brace except for swimming, sleeping, showering... and laying on the nice to be REMOVABLE!!!

Headed right from the Dr's office to grab her stuff to compete... killed it with 2nd place in shot!
Phew that seemed like a long road but so happy she did not need hardware, she was so brave and on the road to a FULL recovery in the next 3 months...

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