Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Weekend Report: Minnie Does Camp. We Do Driving.

Two hours up on Friday... two hours back on Friday...

Minnie was invited to attended bball camp... Friday, Saturday and we could go back and see her play and pick her up on Sunday... but ONLY on Sunday...

I was NOT in a good PLACE... dropping my 14 year old in a dorm room was NOT.OK.

CLEARLY she was OK... I WAS not.

Her own bath (with Fi obvi)...nice set-up for those college gals...

On our way home we made a pit stop at a rest stop... Husband walked in behind this guy but couldn't believe he was who he thought he was since Husband thought based on his YouTube videos he should at LEAST be as tall if not taller than him... to say that this guy is a celebrity in our house would be an understatement :) 

He was so sweet to offer a pic (so we could send it to Guinny and Minnie!) a fun surprise on our way home and MADE Husband's day!

On Saturday we headed BACK up... this time only about an hour and 15 to a 6th birthday party for Azaiah :) Nerf guns and water balloons was where it was AT :)

THE CUTEST gift from his great-Nana. I had a snap a pic for Minnie

When she ran out of water balloons it was onto the hose :)

When we got home we had plans to head over to what used to be our FAVORITE ice cream shop...they haven't been open as much lately but this summer they ARE! Bark-a-licious with his pup cup!

and this girl lovin' her only child weekend :) sort of. 

No idea how I missed a pic of Sky but I promise she was there too! :)

Fun impromptu ice cream night like we used to do :)
Up bright and early and outta the house on Sunday by 7AM to get back to my girl!

Who was clearly having the BEST TIME! Bbball at midnight... pickleball tournaments at 11PM... no sleep and all sports... her kinda fun! :)

It was single-elimination so we only got one game but they played ok...

and she *may* have drained a three ;) so a fun time for sure!
Whew... I was READY to be done with the car by Sunday afternoon though... yowzers!

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