Monday, July 29, 2024

Same 'ol Same 'ol....


With fans AT HOME! WHOO HOO love being able to watch a game at HOME...

WITH FAMILY! :) My belly hurt from laughing sitting with Sky and SIL L... so fun!

Came home to "build the meet" when it's an A/B meet and all the kids get to pick WHATEVER they want and they are not limited to only 1/2 the to see what they decide on :)

My gals picked all throws. Shocker. (Minnie did also run the 100m)

I can't even with our teenie tiny runners... they are SO DANG CUTE!

A fun shot I didn't realize I got until I was home editing pics :)

Gals KILLED the throws... SOOOO proud of how far Miss B has come this season after her frustration last summer... she is a sponge with the coaching and it is showing... 

and I mean...obviously we would compete for four hours and then drive straight to the hot sweaty gym... I mean... why not?? :)


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