Thursday, December 17, 2009

So... How's it GOING??

Husband started back to school this week (sniff sniff) and Minnie and I have been ON our own! :)
Trying to come up with a routine and I think she's a big fan so far :) I expect that this will change on almost a DAILY basis but so far it is what is working for us...

Girlfriend likes to get up sometime between 5:45AM and 7AM (Mama much prefers the 7AM :) Minnie likes sometime around 6:15-6:30 which is a nice compromise :)

She likes to eat right away (of course!!!) and then sometimes turns into skreetchy pants until 9ish and sometimes will just hang out...

She eats again 2 1/2-3 hours later (depending on when she woke up)

She gets washclothed down and dressed (in fresh PJs, Daddy's preference :) for the day, has another nap and eats again around 1...

She's a big fan of hanging out in her bouncy seat looking at the Christmas tree lights until she zonks out until 4PMish when she's ready to eat again and be happy that Daddy has come home while she was snoozin' :)
After that...all you know what breaks loose :) she likes to be held, bounced, walked, talked to and pretty much anything or she turns into a "skreetching me-me" :) It would be dinner time :)

She eats again around sometime between 7-8 depending on her last feeding and then hangs out with Dad until 8:30-9:30 when she's out for the night... well... really the early AM... I could almost set the clock by her waking up at 2:48AM... she eats, goes back to sleep by 3:45 and we start the process all over again.
I def. can't complain... she's only up once a night and for a 2 1/2 week old... yeah... pretty happy with that....:)
P.S. Outfit courtesy of HB :) Thanks Auntie HB for the fun green pjs! :) They are a little big on me but Mom says that's ok, I'll just get to wear them more often if I start early :) Besides... they are none too big in the FEET :)


Momma S said...

Screetchy pants, at least they say that is really good for their lungs! Sounds like you're getting more sleep than me though, lucky!

Mama H said...

It sounds like she's got a sassy side...hahahaha...oh man...she's adorable!

Anonymous said...
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Country Mouse said...

"So very cute! It sounds like you have everything under control. Good job Mommy!!!!!"

I love anonymous comments if you leave some indication of who you are?? :)