Monday, November 12, 2012

The Weekend Report + Monday

 Minnie and I had an ADVENTURE FILLED weekend. Daddy was off Monday but it is hunting season and he still hasn't "caught" "YUM-YUM" so we grabbed baby sister and headed off for some outdoor fun of our own! :) Tamarah and Lil' were SO sweet to entertain the Mouse House gals with their swing set! Minnie LOVES LOVES LOVES this "Boogie Swing".

 The little one was just happy to hang out and watch the big girls on the swing set!

 Fun at the "W" house! See Joe, MY girl wants to play with this set until it's splinters :) Your hard work was worth it for her! :)

 On Monday (Daddy's day off spent in the woods again :) the gals and I treked it north to see HB's new pad with Laura Jane and Baby N. This is the first chance we've had to snag a pic of the little friends who are just 4 weeks apart.
 They were fast friends...
 Until N tried getting a little TOO snuggly :) My girl started to cry which then made HIM start to cry. They are both just so sensitive :)
 and the "big" kids! :)
 After lunch we headed outside to enjoy the 60+ degree day in NOVEMBER and the fields, creek and toys in the yard. Please note me getting my crunchy hippy on... a few kids, one baby wearing, and some chickens round my feed in front of a farmhouse :)
 and... the outtakes... I hope these make you giggle as much we we gals did... this is what happens when the kids start taking the pics....

and HB tries to keep her birds happy... WHAT? :)

My girl LOVES her some chickens...

 awww... good idea, let's all take a pic on the stoop... Minnie "I'LL TAKE IT MOM!!!" :) Me " OK"
 the end result....
 hee hee hee...

The HB hair on MY head... like I need help in the crazy hair department :)
 and the traditional pic for CountryDad... she got a perm CountryDad :)

1 comment:

Mama H said...

Chickens? Oh, Country Mouse...You and husband should get some chickens!!!!! It's food and play all in one! Minnie would LOVE it!!!