Monday, September 30, 2013

Matchy Matchy

Jammies made by MIL for Sky and HER build-a-bear...oh a "few" years ago...
we LOVE hand-me-downs in this house!!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


SOOO MUCH EASIER this year not changing a LESS than two month old on the GROUND in the rain and nursing precariously perched on the side of a bleacher NOT sitting down... :) 70 degrees and sunny helped but so did the girl who's 13 months old. Forget the part where her Mama is in a BOOT... STILL so much easier this year! :)

this picture just makes me smile and LOVE LOVE LOVE my family!!!

there were a lot more moments of relaxation this year with a chemo patient and a walking boot...

shared icees!!!!

annual pic of all the kiddos... missin' the big ones... happy for those that were there!

see...HAPPY :)

NO we DIDN'T call each other, no I DIDN'T change when she got to MY house and YES WE DO shop together. :) Fun!!??!? :)
a GREAT sunny, warm, gorgeous, family filled, fun day at the fair!!! Bring on the good times!!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

My week...

Monday ~ I called MY foot doc Re the boot I was "supposed" to be wearing... he confirmed my right foot is in fact fractured and I'm in a boot until Nov 11th ISH

Monday afternoon I took Miss B into the orthopedic who looked at her x-rays again and said that she was a-ok, was probably sore and could assume her "normal" activities as she felt able. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!

Tuesday: Husband met us at home and we all traveled to the local hospital for his CT scan RE his latest kidney stone and had a nice? family dinner out ~ thanks to the CountryRents giving us a g.c. for our anniversary. I use the "?" because how NICE do you think it WAS with two little ones :)

Wednesday: Husband had a match and the gals and I enjoyed a nice time of visiting with the "W" girls... eating pizza and cookies. Not a bad time. :)

Thursday: Minnie had a dentist apt (just a cleaning) but we chatted about the part where she has at SOME POINT chipped her front tooth... no I don't know how, where or when... if there is no blood my big girl is a pretty tough cookie.

And then I met up with Husband at the doc to review his CT scan... Stone is lodged, causing a back up in his kidney swelling it RIGHT UP. Thankfully the doc assured us that if he hasn't had pain yet, he won't and that there is no risk of infection but that we should have it taken care of soon. Looking at "surgery" a laser to blast what he can, a stent (yikes ~ this did NOT go well last time) and then probably another lithotripsy surgery in a few weeks. Scheduling for that procedure will be sometime next week... fun.

I tell yah... steer clear of my family until at LEAST May... the Bible study on James has begun....

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I DARE you NOT to laugh...

this one is for you GA for teaching her...and Sara with her parents and grandparents for what they see in church on Sunday AM's :) enjoy!

Myah Cate bats her eyelashes from Country Mouse on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

100th Anniversary

I've gone to my church since I was... well... forever. When I moved to the "big city" I went to a couple different churches up there but then I started traveling back down to my home church just to catch a hug and a "how are yah" from... my future Husband :) 30+ years that I've been here and 40+ for Husband. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of people who have gathered in this building to worship was pretty cool!
The two ladies dressed to the nines in the middle put on the whole show! They delegated, organized, dreamed, planned, executed and the day was AMAZING because of them!

During the worship service Pastor had previous Pastors or their wives get up to give little testimonies of what they remembered about their time in that church. It was really special!

Speaking of special :) After church we had a pot luck lunch (I mean, what's a church function without a pot luck?) :) and then all kinds of fun and games!

"pony" rides (uh... please note how big the draft horses are being USED for pony rides :)

a bounce house...

and all kinds of fellowship with family and friends....

Oh yah... and the little one in her sad little splint...

good thing she has Cam-Man taking such good care of her!

an amazing time of celebration, memories, fun in the sun and remembering that God never changes. He was the same 100 years ago as He is today and will be in the next 100 years.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


This year Husband and I had BARELY anything to do with the annual road race. I gave up my commitments as the "computer" imputer to be able to really focus and watch my kiddos! After Fridays fiasco of the leg injury I'm really glad that was already the PLAN :)
Click here for past years 2012, 2011
I love this family. The girl holding her brother up so that he can PHYSICALLY cross the finish line is one of Husband's "big girls" aka track girls. Her brother is handicap and was pushed for the 5K in his wheelchair. For the last of the race his sister got him up out of his chair and we ALL cheered him over the finish line.

Just the sweetest moment and sheer joy on everyone's faces.

Then it was time for the "official" kids race! You know.. .the part where Minnie runs a whole LAP around "Daddy's" track? :) This year her friend C-line was there (GA's niece) and a friend of C-line's. Let the trash talking begin. :)

Just kidding. :)

and their off. Please note Minnie is a slow start. We're gonna work on that in the spring :)

She made up for it... please note she may be behind the "big kids" but if you click the picture to enlarge you will see her YARDS ahead of her age group :)

not.gonna.lie. Her Mama was SCREAMING  her on at this point!! :) so proud she was STILL RUNNING!!!

At the end she had her "big girls" Gabby and Wassina helping her to push through to the...

Lollipop of course :) isn't that why EVERY kid runs? :)

a VERY proud, VERY busy Daddy! :) NEVER too busy for a congrats hug and a job well done! :)
SO proud of my girl!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apple Picking

The girls and I spontaneously jumped in on sweet "Yiz's" trip, back to THIS apple orchard!

The girls may be bigger but the fun was the same or BETTER! Mostly because "computer Nana" aka Mick's Mom, is here visiting from "down under"!

We enjoyed the weather, the apples, the plywood cutouts...

each other...

and of course the GOATS. :)
Thanks for the invite sweet "Yiz", the donuts, the company and sharing your MIL with us :) What a treasure she is!