Friday, November 1, 2013

Gettin' my crafty on and what's been GOIN' on...

Sweet MIL did a whole bunch of runnin' around for me and picking up good deals so I could attempt a new wreath for my newly painted door. ;) Total cost for the project $5. 
Please just take a minute to get your mind around making these little rosettes with a 14ish month old who would rather scale walls than walk and a 3 and 1/2 year old who wants to "help". And a glue gun. And fabric scraps. And scissors.

it's all of a sudden SO MUCH MORE IMPRESSIVE isn't it? :) little dose of reality.

On Wednesday we headed northwest-ish? to catch a college soccer game ~ same girl we caught this weekend last was COLD and my girls made it until about 1/2 way through the 2nd 1/2. They were troopers though and had a good time watching CC :)

Gonna be a tough call for these girls... their Daddy coaching golf now and having Sky and all the rest of their cousins so into soccer :) we'll have to see what all comes of it :)

What a TREAT to have Husband's friend (and our old science teacher) come over for dinner with his bride to soak up our babies. They have been blessed with 3 grandchildren in about 3 years and they are just over the MOON for kids. They are SO amazing and such fun to be with!

A very full and fun week... here comes hunting season.. pray he "gets one" early huh? :)

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