Friday, June 14, 2024

8th Grade Promotion Dance

I cried this day.... I didn't WANT it to be time for school yet... it happened too fast... 
and now we are here... closing out middle school and she's headed for "the big house". On Tuesday night Minnie went to the celebratory 8th grade dance...

I love these two more than words or blog posts could EVER express...

All 5'9" of 'em

The past three years ESPECIALLY went super fast... hard to believe this was 5th grade celebration

and look how much HE grew :) He didn't want to take a picture with Minnie but I said "you would NOT HAVE MADE IT THROUGH Kindergarten bus rides without her! You wouldn't BE here! 
Now SMILE :)"

I thought the outfit choices were "interesting"....

But I LOVED what Minnie picked to wear and I thought she looked AMAZING!

Little sister crew... these two will be together next year and they are PSYCHED about that!

She had a GREAT time and although it was tricky FINDING her something to wear, I'm glad she picked what she did and WENT and had so much fun!

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