Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sporty Saturday

 While these two were off bright and early to the State Track Meet at TA...

Miss B and I had a slower morning and then she wanted to catch a couple of her friend's LAX games at our stadium
Just a picture that irritates me... 13 years no home track meet because it was in such disrepair... and now we stand in cleats on Lanes 1 and 2 (most heavily used by runners) and just toss the ball back and forth... step two steps to the left and stand on the turf.... nah...why? They don't care... 

Miss B LOVES her buds!!!
Miss B and I thought about taking this one parked in front of me... do you think they would have noticed? :)

Miss B and headed to meet up with the rest of our crew so we could watch some of our favs long jump and run!

This girl is a Freshman and qualified for more events than she was able to participate in.

One of HIS favs! :)

Miss B and I left and went to get our toes freshened up before heading home! She mixed two different colors trying to....

Match the cast... obviously :) 
Fun Saturday for sure!

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