Monday, June 10, 2024

The Weekend Report

End of the school year be like...
especially when you have an older sister who was doing all the graduation week stuff and you got dragged around.... 6:45 on a Friday night with a movie and this poor girl couldn't hang...

Husband making sure she was cozy enough... she napped about an hour and then they went to bed at 10 and she slept a full 12 hours only waking when I peeked in... poor thing was EXHAUSTED and I FEEL IT!
Saturday AM woke up to this on the roof of the chicken coop... Husband took care of the "situation" that had killed TWO chickens in two nights :( 

then in the afternoon we were invited to celebrate Ho-Hahn with ice cream cake... Love when these four are together! Peep CountryMum?

Sunday was drizzly and the perfect day to just chill after church gearing up for the chaos that is... the last 2.5 days of school!!!!

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