Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Ice Cream Post (Last Day of School)

As you all know, when Minnie was 9 months old I started having "the kids" in the summer... we started a tradition of getting ice cream on the last day of school and the last day of summer... it's gets a little challenging sometimes to coordinate schedules but I am SO SO thankful for these two making my dreams of tradition come true :) 
I wanted to have a post with most of the ice cream pics in one place... took some time but it was fun time :)
Circa 2011 BEFORE we got ice cream for the LAST day of SUMMER...
Circa 2012 LAST day of Summer...

I mean 2013 you have to see the WHOLE post....
2014, Last day of SCHOOL.... FIRST DAY OF SUMMER...

Last day of summer vacation... and in this post I said "I have no idea what I'm going to do without this girl.." and in the past few weeks she has bailed me/us out MORE TIMES than I can count since she has been HOME!
2015.... START of summer

It's Miss B's little hand for me...
and the friends that came that year!!!
Missing Daws that August but lookie... there's the cast....
June of 2017 and there were all KINDS of extras! and Daws was back!!! and peep Josie!
and then there was the Blog Break.... where I am sure I have pictures somewhere I just need to get them uploaded so that we have them here.... 
Last day of summer 2019? Maybe?
Last day of school in that year was brutal...
Last day of school 2021
Last day of summer 2021 I LOVE the tans!
Just the gals in 2022
August 2022 Welcome BARKS!!!
And just 10 short months ago.... 
Now the big girl is HOME FOREVER!!!! MY big girl is HEADED FOR HIGH SCHOOL.... AND Miss B will be middle class man at Husband's school.... 

and this guy is going to be someone's HUSBAND!!!! (I mean, it's Josie but still... a HUSBAND!)

OH I DO LOVE this tradition and I thought we should really have a full post with the "ice cream" pictures!

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