Friday, June 21, 2024

Hot, Hot, HOT

We kicked off summer with temps in the GAZILLIONS... thankful for Sky buying this cast cover for my little mermaid!!

We enjoyed Wednesday at the POO ;) because if you were not in water... you had to be in A/C!

Minnie and I headed out to get her hair "did" :)

Beauty Queen

and we had our parent meeting for summer track... we have about 100 kiddos signed up... here comes the crazy!
On Thursday after Miss B's "no new cast" appointment Aunt Nancy and "Bob" let these four crash their pool! It was a GLORIOUS 87 degrees so even Tamarah and I got in... no photographic evidence but I snagged these at DQ on our way home...Love these four sassy pants! Pun totally intended :)


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