Saturday, June 29, 2024

First... LAST Summer Track Meet

 On Thursday we headed for Scarborough... WITHOUT HUSBAND... he had already committed to an annual golf tournament... I loaded up my short bus with children... there wasn't a seat left... and we did canopies, coolers, chairs... all of it... the funniest part is that people thought Husband WAS there... he runs around at meets so much that I had a Mom say... wow he must be really busy today... uh... nope... not here :) 
It's the first last SUMMER track meet for these two... Minnie is competing in the 15 and not yet entered high school age division and Skylar is in the 13/14... 

The weather was AMAZING! Miss B was able to throw the disc and jav....

Minnie did disc, jav, 100m and long jump...

and the celebrities came to cheer them on! :)

Miss Mean Muggin was NOT impressed about leaving... can't said I blamed her... it was such pretty weather with such fun company! :)

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