Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monday, Day 29 and Tuesday the LAST DAY

Weather: Mostly cloudy 50/60's!!!! Tuesday, mostly cloudy.. .took a while to warm up but got to 80

(Monday) Coffee with almond milk little syrup
 2 waffles with jam
Pasta salad with chicken and dressing
steak, GF pasta, salad
Two waffles with jam
chicken, orange, popcorn, fritos (for low blood sugar)
Leftover Steak, GF pasta, roasted asparagus

Supplements: Fish oil once, turmeric w/black pepper twice, probiotic once, vitamin D once (didn't take the meds until bedtime Tuesday) did a detox bath on Monday and took 4 Advil before bed hoping to have a "good day"
Drs: Monday I went in for my blood work and confirmed that I am getting the Lyme test that "Fletch" says I need :) so everything under the sun I hope... waiting for those results...

Overall pain level and locations: 5/6ish... mostly feet and finger, chest....

Cliff Notes from SIL L:

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