Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What Miss B says...

An Interview with Miss B
What's your name?: Myah... I mean "Babe"
How old are you?: 3
When is your birthday? August 10th
How old is daddy?: 18
How old is mommy?: 14
What's your favorite color?: Yellow, red and blue
What's your favorite food? Mac 'n Cheese
Who's your best friend? Cameron and Olivia and Adele
What's your favorite show?: Lion Guard
What's your movie? Frozen
What's your favorite song?: Lion King
What's your favorite animal?: Defense
What are you scared of?: Thunder

Under the bleachers at Do-Do's baseball game a few weeks ago Miss B was busy making a new friend. We heard her ask the little girl.... "what's your name?" the little girl answered.... Miss B responded... "no, what do your mom and dad call you?" the little girl answered again.... Miss B responded with... "My name is MC but my mom and dad call ME BABE!"

She will randomly ask Husband if he wants to "smell my breath"... to which he most often responds with "uh... NO." :)

I put a French braid in her hair before bringing Minnie to school and on the way home she asked me... "Mom, does my voice sound weird??" I said... "no... why would your voice sound weird?" she patted the back of her head... "because of my braid...."

She sure is fun to live with....

1 comment:

~ Laurie said...

Eliza starts most conversations with people she doesn't know with either "We're related...You know Adam and Eve" or "Where do you go to church?"