Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun Friday...

What happens when you develop film... (I know, what's "developing film") that has been in the camera bag for over a YEAR...

1) You see what we looked like LAST year (and by last, I mean 2007)

You remember you had long and PINK hair....
and oh yeah... there was that "Girl's Weekend" :) And yes, because I love you all so much I totally DID put that picture of myself up there for your hysterical viewing pleasure :) You can thank me later... :)


mykids4hisglory said...

See...that's the only way I could pull of a bikini...fully clothed underneath! LOL!
It's amazing what a diff. a year makes w/kidlets...they are so little!
PS-STILL love the hair!!

Mama H said...

You CAN totally pull off a bikini (without the clothes underneath) have a rockin' body, Country Mouse!

Country Mouse said...

You girls are TOO nice to this wrinkly 31 year old! :)