Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quick...the weekend report...busy day tomorrow on the blog! :)

Saturday bright and EARLY Mama H and I set out to stock and PACK our freezers full of meals... and pack we did... We managed to accomplish...a monster batch of twice baked potatoes, two chicken pot pies, three white veggie lasagnas, 10ish breakfast burritos each and enough beef enchiladas to feed our respective families until the 4th of July. By FAR the worst part was the 1.5 hours I spent cleaning my kitchen from our cooking chaos!! Yikes!!! :)And look what fun showed up on Saturday night!?!?! :) Hrrmm..but WHERE are the crutches? At least she has the brace on I suppose... and look, it's good for something... holding her phone and chapstick! :)
(insert sarcasm) She brought me the most GORGEOUS earrings... I can't wait until Christmas next year...(end sarcasm!) :)The "plan" was to head to the town next door and paint pottery.. we were taking SIL L and Daws with us... but it was CLOSED!!! WHO KNEW they had "January" hours!?!?! So we made the best of it...
(at least she's PRETENDING that she even HAS crutches...) :) So cute... :) When we got home (after hitting.. and by hit I mean... :) the grocery store we went to work making meatballs for BIL L's b-day party... Yes family... this is the same meat that you ate TODAY... :) tee hee hee... "helpful information BEFORE lunch..." :)
Doing the heavy "lookin' on" :) GA is such a good sport she just goes with the flow and has fun with us even if our plans DIDN'T work out... and BTW GA, I have your G.C....I'm not taking any chances with this one that you'll go without me... Bride Wars anyone? :)Sunday was BIL L's b-day party... He doesn't look a day over 39....ish. :) This one on the other hand... and Tracy, I think I'm going to throw out a challenge to yah... I bet if you asked your Mom you probably have a VERY similar outfit from a "few" years back... weird huh? :)Just incase you didn't know what kids in Maine look like in the winter... pasty and chapped. It's what we do. We can't help it... it was 10 degrees today... BBBRRRRRR
Wouldn't be a family party without the family lovin' :)Hope you all had a great weekend....

Peace out!


Mama H said...

Thanks for posting...I'm going to send a link to YOUR post (considering I broke my camera this weekend...BOO HOO)!

PQ is wondering where HIS picture is!!???

Country Mouse said...

FUZZY!?!!? :(