Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Post of All POSTS...

Oh my goodness...for any that actually are STILL with me and checking this thing... and then actually MAKE it through this blog... you are dedicated. And I appreciate you. :) We FINALLY got these two girls together at L&L's for a Friday night dinner and Minnie couldn't have been MORE thrilled :) she loves the big kids and of course GA is one of her very favs so mixed with KSchneids it was a good night for her :)

the next AM Husband had borrowed BIL L's lawn mower so we threw Minnie on to see what she thought of the little lawn tractor... not such a fan...

at first...

but she came 'round... :) I am pretty sure she is just not a fan of things that are LOUDER than her :)

that afternoon she and I spent some time playing outside...

on the deck...

and in the grass... I LOVE this weather and I LOVE hanging with me girl...

who has as I mentioned... started to CRAWL... EVERYWHERE...

The following Sunday was her baby dedication at church... she really wasn't feeling quite herself that day which was unfortunate since she was wearing SUCH a pretty dress thanks to her MiMi... but she was running a temperature and pretty much anything she ate was coming right back out... poor thing... this picture was taken POST Pastor holding her... :)
She took a little rest and was feeling a bit better later in the afternoon...

and of course any time spent with these two...helps :)

still not psyched about food though...

can you tell he is 1) still getting that balance thing down and 2) has an older brother? :) poor kid...
good thing there was Dad to the rescue :)

speaking of older brother... those eyes I TELL yah.... are going to get him in and OUT of trouble some day soon....

What center-of-attention? I don't know what you are talking about? They might all love her a LITTLE bit :)

Monday night was spent in the ER with THIS guy... can you tell he's psyched that I showed up AND brought my camera? Hey listen... if I'm coming to the ER, I'm BRINGING my camera... NO ONE is sacraed. :)

Note the dimple. He's starting to come around...

There we go... THAT'S better... he was having chest/shoulder pain and his leg had swollen up to at least twice it's normal size... THANK YOU JESUS they could not find anything SERIOUS wrong but I'm SO proud of CountryDad for going down to get it checked out... you can NEVER be too careful...
so because all was swell with CD at the ER Husband and I took off on Tuesday for our last camping trip of the summer... WITHOUT my peeps... whew. I made it. It was sketchy there for a bit but with these two... who can complain? :) not I.
ESPECIALLY with a face like that! :)
We met up with Husband's best friend and their family so Minnie got some "big kid" time which she loved ALMOST as much as the pool :)
The site...
with the tent holding the air mattress that HELD NO AIR... that was a fun first night of camping... literally woke up with acorns in my back sometime around 2AM... thankfully Husband's BFF was going home the next day so he grabbed L&L's mattress for us to sleep on the 2nd night. I'm not the BEST camper girl out there so without an actual MATTRESS you can imagine how well that went over :)
The little one on the other hand really had NO trouble sleeping... snuggling with Dad post nap...

hanging with Mama since Dad had to get our food going :)
the girl LOVES campin'....
and that def. makes her Dad and I happy :) course when we get home and she can't figure out why she keeps crawling and reaching for the screen to get outside and we won't let her out because we are doing laundry or inside things... it doesn't work out so well... I'm pretty sure she was born to be outside and that will def. come in handy for those days when she tells me "I'm bored..." :) right? :)
Whew... it's been busy and I have still MORE pics to put up here but thought I'd just do one MEGA-post to catch everyone up... we are cramming just about all we can into the last days of summer and enjoying every single SECOND... it will be Minnie's 1st birthday before we know it won't it?? :( :(

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