Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Pheebs invited us over for our first adventure as a play group FINGER PAINTING!!! Minnie, Pheebs and Dani all LOVED IT... Lily...not so much. Wouldn't even TOUCH the stuff...but it is good that there is one in every group so that someone can grab the Wet-Wipes for those Mom's that get covered... :)
Hostesses with the MOSTESS ~ Even if while Minnie was playing with her toys she continued to holler "NO NO NO" :) and now we get the opportunity to teach the little ladies about SHARING :)
I think Dani was the BIGGEST fan of it though... even though her face doesn't show it. I think she is just secretly annoyed that I am making her stop long enough to pose for a picture...
and of COURSE my girl EATS it...
it's what she DOES...
AH well...she had fun, it was non-toxic and EXTREMELY washable.

SO fun to try new things with our friends! We thought that maybe the next time we do it we'll wait for a warm summer day and set it up down by the lake :) We also thought we'd give tie-dying a try this summer when we can rinse off in the pond! :) Fun adventures ahead!!! :)

1 comment:

Mama H said...

Seriously...the white shirts for finger painting CRACK ME UP!!! :)