Saturday, May 7, 2011

He's Kind Of A Big Deal

Today we headed to Brando's "hotel" for the last time in four years. Sky called it that the very first time we went to visit. She was only 5. Minnie was a dream I didn't dare would come true and it seems like forever and just yesterday ago. Maybe it's because I'm NOT a four year college grad. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up in a house where anyone was/is. Maybe it's because I married one or maybe it is because now, I'm in my 30's and it's so much easier to look BACK and see vs. looking FORWARD when you are just in your "teens"....but this was a BIG DEAL.

In my book, this kid has overcome some pretty daunting odds....

been supported by some pretty AMAZING women....please note his Mama and his TiTi

and today... he graduated from COLLEGE. He was an athlete. A friend. A roommate. A student.

And a kid who never forgets where he comes from, who loves him the most and how he got there.

He's kind of a big deal.

And I think he knows it :) He had EVERY reason to celebrate today and I was SO happy to be a part of it. I think what he has done is AMAZING and SUCH a big deal.

He couldn't have done it....his whole life.... without THIS significant lady....

and THIS one just has a bond with him that no one else understands :) We just embrace it and LOVE it.

I couldn't have been PROUDER of Husband standing next to his "surrogate son". The one he took care of between classes during his OWN college career so that SIL Betsy could finish HER degree. I tell yah... this family I married into is AMAZING. Always an Uncle but I KNOW Brando has a MUCH bigger place in his heart than a "nephew".

I'm just an outsider looking in....but even to be on the edge of this greatness is something I treasure and LOVE being a part of. This kid has set the precedent.

He has 6 little people under him and he has set an AMAZING example of how to work hard, overcome adversary, and come out on top.

I hope Minnie is taking notes....

Because in 21 years, I FULLY intend to be at HER college graduation....

and have a repeat picture taken with her family surrounding her on one of the BIGGEST days of her life.

It all goes by faster than any of us are anticipating...

So watch out Bri Bri....your next.

*no pictures of the graduated man with his MAMA because I was too busy taking pics with HER camera :) If she sends some... I WILL post them *wink wink nudge nudge*


Mama H said...

Speachless...but not tearless. Congrats, Brando!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't cry yesterday....I was too busy being happy for that boy!!!! however, reading this blog....totally lost it!! So proud of you BOOG!!!!! had to use that nickname ONE MORE TIME!!


Anonymous said...

And I couldn't agree more with what everyone has said here. I, too, am crying as I have finished reading this. You did do an AWESOME job on this post!!! He is an amazing kid...well actually he pointed out yesterday that he is now a MAN. I got so lucky and have the best support group so thanks to them.


mykids4hisglory said...

What a GREAT post!!! Well written!!!
Congrats to everyone involved!!!