Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It was a weekend full of festivities ~ Party Friday, track meet Saturday, party SUNDAY!!We were invited to the Sunshine house to celebrate two years of life for the littlest Sunshine. Minnie was her only "little" friend that she invited and we felt SOOOO special. How neat! Six months apart and these two are FAST friends!

Momma Sunshine did a Dr. Suess theme and it was FAN-TAS-TIC! SO FUN! SO CREATIVE and there is nothing I love more than a party with a theme! :)

Pretty sure this was the ONLY moment my girl sat DOWN OR sat "still":)

Except of course when certain people who shall remain NAMELESS *might* have been feeding her, her weight in mini-M&M's.

Which of course we ended up seeing AGAIN later in the evening. Thankfully it was Daddy that was holding her and it landed on the kitchen floor. Easier to clean up :) We *might* have spent a restless night with much crying and time awake in the middle of the night...but I'm not sure you can deny this little one... "mooohaaahhh??" :)

Fun games of "put the Wocket in the b-day girl's pocket" :)

a tasty treat table....

and even cupcakes to resemble "THING 1 AND THING 2" :)

The birthday girl was blessed ~

as were we ALL ....

spending the night with this sweet sweet family....

Happy To You sweet LAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-NNNNNNNAAAAAHHHHHH!! We look forward to watching you grow into the little girl God has planned you to be! Love You!!!

1 comment:

Momma S said...

Loved that you could come. Love spending time with you all. Love that you blogged about it!