Thursday, October 13, 2022

Holiday Weekend ~ Thursday/Friday

On Thursday Minnie had a soccer game (with a surprise guest ;) another post later for that one... and because my gals did not have school on Friday and I did not have to work but ALL THE TEACHERS DID....she asked if she could have some friends over... I suggested ALL the friends! Their parents are teachers/administrators so bring it on!

The gals all went to their respective houses after the game to shower and pack up while Minnie and Harper were at practice... when they got dropped off I said... technology in the bucket. I think there were at least a couple who were none too impressed but they did it... 

and it was GREAT! I did come down on Friday AM and they had snagged them to say good morning to their mother's... and then texted each other while on opposite couches.... but then they put them back in the bucket :)
Post pizza, snacks and soccer snuggles!

Husband and I had to run my car to the mechanics and we came home to ALL of them piled in the gal's room...only four actually stayed in their room and I put the other three in the den...

Nothing like working through my 2nd cup of coffee with this :) LOVE this girl!

They built forts, played soccer, ate a MILLION snacks and leftover pizza...

and THIS was the quietest part of MY day :)

3 of them left around 1:00 to head for the fair and then I was just left with Charley and Harp until their parents got out of work... so why sit quietly? I decided to give Barks a bath....

By.My.Self. It didn't go AWFUL but it is definitely a 2-3 person job...we all got a giggle about what his hair looked like after!

Crazy hairdo!

It was a BUSY couple of days but the gals had the BEST time and it was pretty fun for me too :)

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