This is what his Mama was busy doing on Thursday when we CJ and I hung out...Didn't she do a SUPER good job!!?!?!?! First there was presents....little man wasn't REAL sure what to make of all the people and gifts...I think this was a great trial run for a couple of weeks from now :) Looking forward to THAT! :)Look who's standing!!!! :) and remember her?? His little (but older) cousin Jacy? Let's get a closer look...Yep... those eyes... watch OUT :)CAKE TIME!!!! He's not real sure about the flaming candles coming towards him and all the singing....But Jacy is right there to help a kid out... what a NICE GIRL! :)What a big boy!!! Happy b-day little man! Glad we could get out to spend it with you! Can't wait to see what this year brings... We love you lots!!!!
Living the dream with my best friend, Husband, our daughter "Minnie" who was our miracle after 6 years of dealing with infertility and "Miss B" who showed up about 2 1/2 years after :)
The stories of our life as captured by me...Country Mouse
Uuummm...who CJ's little lady friend with the flirty eyes!!?? WOW...she's gorgeous!!!
His cousin :) she's 10-12 weeks older than him... :) so cute huh?
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