Monday, November 9, 2009

HELP! (Part 1) The Weekend Report....

Country Dad said that if I wanted my grandmother's flowers I HAD to get them and SOON...hrrrm.... being that it is November I knew Husband would be in the woods on a Saturday... and not sure if I've mentioned or not... but I am 36 weeks PG and apparently digging up big huge plants is not really the thing to be doing... sooooo I batted my eyelashes and smiled real coy and coerced these two into helping me...

Nah... really... I actually just sent them both an email and said "hey, can you help dig up flowers for me on Saturday?" and because they are seriously two of THE NICEST guys they just said... YES...
It was def. not EASY work but they got it done in about an hour and had BOTH of their trucks filled to the brim...
I got them to stop long enough for a photo op when we got to the Mouse House and you can see the rows of flowers behind them...
I am SOOOOOOOO blessed with the family I have in my life and SO thankful for the brothers that I have that will step up and help me with something like flowers!
I should also note that I am SO THANKFUL for the Mama's/Wives that had to do without so that I could borrow their men for the AM. Thanks SIL L and J!!! :)
Oh yeah... and he was there too... handsome in his vest isn't he? :)


Mama H said...

Where did you put the flowers? I didn't see them when I was there.

PS...Rebenstein IS adorable.

Country Mouse said...

They are at the bottom of the driveway near where the Dodge was parked... hiding to stay protected from the elements this winter... :)