Saturday, October 30, 2010

Guess What Today Is?

P.S. I'm not ACTUALLY going to ANSWER that question
P.S.S. Those dyer sheets are just about the MOST disgusting thing EVER
P.S.S.S. I thought of Tracy Michele every time I smelled DIRT in my laundry room and thought, this would send her right CRAZY :)


TracyMichele said...

My guesses:
1) the day you finally throw Husband's mismatch clothes away?
2) today is National hang your ugly clothes from your deck day?
3) the day you buy more hangers?
4) the day someone finally explains to me why hunters think the camouflage actually keeps them hidden when they accessorize with bright, flourescent orange?

TracyMichele said...

And yes..the smell of dirt would drive me from my home. Hahaha.

Husband said...

e) None of the above

The correct answer is: my rendition of Country Mouse's birthday month ~ checking out what things have been eating my garden and which one I'm going to DROP :)

TracyMichele said...

hahaha. Hang it high, my friend. Leave it out as a lesson to his/her friends watching from the woods. :)

One of these days we need to get my son up there for hunting season. If his abilities on the video game are an indication of his true hunting skill, he'll surely tag one before you!