BEFORE: I was a little TIRED of the prints behind the kitchen table. They were fine for a while... like 9 years A WHILE...but I was just in the mood for something DIFFERENT. BRIGHTER. FUN.
Brighter. More fun!
Not a HUGE change. But enough that I am happy with it. I didn't have to spend any $$ updating my current curtains which I do still love and I bought the material at "I should have bought it when I saw it at...." for LESS than I would have spent on a yd of my dear Amy Butler at the local quilt store. Granted I didn't GET Amy Butler but I'm happy with my purchase and I even have enough leftover to do someTHING else with. I'll keep yah posted :)
Ooooh la la.....I LOVE IT!!! They look great! You've got such an eye for things like that. When it comes time for me to pick out fabric for the nursery, will you come with me??????
SURE! IF we can go back to that row that I fell in LOVE with at the store :) SUCH cute stuff! :)
I have material...will you make some for my dining room wall???? PLEASE???? Tell me what else I need to buy!
LC ~ I covered existing art I already you have something like that or can DC make just a cheap-o wooden frame for them? I used double sided tape :) but if you have wood we can staple...
we must experiment...I bought cheap frames @ the dollar store, and sprayed one I need to figure out how to get them in there... curious though ~ what size are those? I think I should have bought bigger frames for mine
Oooooo Laurie, I COVERED the art... kinda like wrapping a present. If you don't mind not seeing your frames what you have would TOTALLY work.
I jsut bought BOTH of those fabrics....along with many at that great store! My boys sing the commercial song all the time!
ack! whoops...this is Heather, NOT Mitch...he only pays for the fabric, he doesn't pick it out ;) lol!
:) $$ much like Husband, Heather :) I LOVE that whole line! :) SO stinkin' cute!!! :)
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