Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Summer Catch-Up Post

Same thing happens every summer...Husband is home, the weather is AMAZING and there is too much FUN to be had to blog the way I'd like :) All GREAT reasons not to blog though I think :) Minnie had the opportunity to show off her Daddy to Miss K at the library and Miss K gave her a VERY special balloon...she played with it for a little while, Husband and I got distracted and the next thing we knew she was standing in the living room looking up and saying her version of balloon :) Sure enough... the string had let go and it floated all the way up... 24 feet up....

Daddy to the rescue :) Course the very next day Sky and Daws were here and the ENTIRE string let go and just the balloon went up up and away AGAIN. It stayed up there for a couple of days that time before we figured out how to get it down instead of just waiting for it to deflate :)

Full on summer has hit my gardens and I am LOVING it...

We had a girl's night last week. Minnie, Sky, SIL L and I hung out at their house while the boys went golfing. SIL L found this suit in her basement that used to be Sky's... it was a little big but she LOVED it...

showing Sky her muscles :)
she jumped into the pool and was a HUGE fan of the fact that she could float :) (no worries, Mom or TiTi were right there to catch her :)

Husband and I had plans to go to see the Lady at the Lake et al for a potluck dinner and lucky me... Sky felt like baking :) She and I already had plans to make this Martha Stewart creation sometime this summer so we thought this get-together would be the perfect opportunity. Thankfully SIL L felt the same because we coerced her into baking the cookies for us :) The cake was delish and Sky even came to above said pah-ty to try the deliciousness that had to sit overnight... it was a huge hit with everyone and definately fun to try something new :)

In other news Husband had some digging going on in his garden... so he set the have a heart trap and lookie lookie what he caught...
can you tell NOW? :) Thankfully??? he is an expert skunk wrestler (having trapped a few...or 45ish at his Mom's :)

You have to deal VERY carefuly with these stinky beasts...mostly because I threatened if he got sprayed we were moving. :) He took it to a hill far away and wouldn't you know... coming home that night from L&L's there was the stench in the air that could have indicated he was no longer WITH us... if you get my drift :)

I think we are all caught up now... well except for that little part where J.T. had her NEW BABY but that deserves a post all on its own so stay tuned :)

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