Saturday, January 9, 2010

Loved this...

My days of reading all the blogs I love have ended it seems...but while holding my baby girl during one of the moments she was peaceful I read "Angie Smith's Blog" and found this...

"Love your God. Love your children intentionally and well."

Pray about the situation and ask God to give you wisdom with any choice you are facing. When you feel confident about what He has revealed, take a couple brave steps in the direction of His voice and just keep listening :)

Could you use it to step out and try something "new" or just to "survive" your day?

I could.

1 comment:

Mama H said...

I read her post yesterday. I only made it part way through her post and then I started to cry. Her story of losing a child hits a soft spot with me. Even though our stories are different, they feel quite similar in a way. :)