Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Play Date with the girls!!

It was just the three amigos this past week at play date...seriously, how they are all within 3 weeks of each other still blows my mind... doing the same things...
happy to be alive...
and their Mom's are still their favorite people...
Now here, I'd like to direct your attention to the Hamburger Helper box from the play kitchen...please click on the picture to enlarge...
please note that a CHUNK of it is missing off the bottom...more on this in a bit...
I think my favorite line from the day was Liz telling J.T. uh... watch out for Minnie... J.T.'s response... "it's ok... Dani's used to her" :) BAH! :)
my kid the bully...
Pheebs took her friends over to show them HER favorite new place to hang out...Dani doesn't have these at her house so it was all new...
but Pheebs made SHORT work of getting all the way to the top....
So we left play date... Minnie and I went to J.T.'s new pad to scope it out before she moves in... then we drove about 15 min. home and she was fighting sleep the whole way... when we got home she ate 6 oz of a bottle and I thought for SURE she will pass out with exhaustion... but I heard her not really settling down and I put her bink in a couple of times... finally she was quiet... almost 2 hours later she woke up... we went out to the deck to sit and chit chat and I noticed as she was facing me what I THOUGHT was a big grey boogie stuck between her two front teeth. Of course as any mother would do, I went rooting around in her mouth to pick it out which she of course as any 9 1/2 month old would do... wanted NO part of it... so I laid her down on her back on my legs and made her laugh and smile... I noticed when she opened her mouth nice and wide with a grin that there was something stuck on the roof of her mouth... I did the finger swoop and found... after about 3.5-4 hours above said CHUNK of the Hamburger Helper box. How she kept it up there without choking is beyond me. How she fell asleep and settled down... no idea. I did notice when I checked on her the bink was WAY in the bottom of her crib so obviously she wasn't able to suck on it poor thing... PHEW though on potential disaster avoided and funny story to tell instead...

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