Last week was a WHIRLWIND...but OH SO WORTH it. :)
A SURPRISE PRIZE to the first person to leave a comment with this girl's initials in the comments section....hrrrrmm... who will win the surprise prize??? :)
Tuesday and Wednesday night were spent at the camp they were renting,
(Side Note: This smile is DEF. one of the top 3 reasons why I fell head over heels for this guy... jeepers he's cute!!! :)
Thursday, for some reason the camera did not come out when Laura Jane was here for dinner but I think that's because I was 1/2 asleep on the couch for most of the night :) Friday was dinner on the lake with some of Husband's friends and Saturday finished off the week back with G&M, spending the day at L&L's in the pool...FUN FUN times...
S.R. for ice cream... not a bad way to spend the last night of vacation... not a bad way at all... :)
yah, ok. I should have put the disclaimer on there that if I had ALREADY TOLD YOU, you couldn't answer!!!!! :) But the special surprise is a dinner at my house... How's the first week in Sept for you? :) I was hoping it was going to be OBoyz so I could get her to my house!! :) tee hee hee
ok.. I will remove myself from the contest. BUT I will still take you up on dinner! BAH.
I just saw that picture of Jessie...she didn't even tell me she went! I'll still come over your house though :)
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